Locking Love... @ Venice

Locking Love... @ Venice By Nayna Mhatre

Hey All,

Today something very special.... Love !!!

Love is the first feeling one experiences a we step in this world, rather its the first emotion we interact with in our mother's womb. And this is a emotion we come across in our life on different occasions, from different people and for different people.

we end up winding our lives around this word. Sometimes we find love in unexpected places. yes, i have come across it and enjoyed basking in the feeling of being loved. I have lost love too, sometimes losing the person and sometimes losing love out of the relationship.

I know we all do. And it's really surprising that you get to witness beautiful love when you least expect it. The surprising element in this is you don't have any role to play in it, yet the feeling is so overwhelming that you feel happy to be a spectator also.

You all might have heard about the lovelock bridge in Paris, Similarly, i found a small bridge in Venice. Piazza San
Marco in Venice, is the famous place to hang around. Having coffee in cafe, feeding the pigeons or just taking a stroll around the LION OF VENICE. 

I ended up strolling ahead a bit, as i wanted to explore the place. and ended up taking a small path alongside the Gondola ride starting point. Walking along the path i found some grilled barricage. And to my utter surprise i found some locks hanging to them. My curiosity got best out of me and i thought to take a closer look. And guess what i found the treasure of love locked to those grills. There i found so many types of love, i was overwhelmed by the feeling. Sharing some of them.... do go and find these on your visit to St. Mark's Square... and let their love touch your heart.... bye for now.



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