Fashion bracket, do I fit in? & do i need to fit in?

Fashion bracket, do I fit in? & do i need to fit in? 

written by Nayana Mhatre

Image Courtesy: Nayana Mhatre
Hey, Girls,

I know the header of this post might make you think, "ohh... another fashion blogger writing about and for the mini sized women", no but that's where you are wrong dearie. This blog is not about being skinny (not in a derogatory way), losing weight and flaunting the brands, which women like us have stopped fitting into long back. Women with figure means the women who are not fitting the norms decided by the so called fashion police. If you are one of those then this blog is for you. As I am a curvy woman as you see in the picture.

Today we shall talk about things like, do we need to follow fashion blindly or develop our own style quotient? This is not a gyan class on what to wear or what not to wear? Today is just about creating feel good factor for yourself and being happy in your own skin.

Take a breather, fashion is not about following what is served in front of you on a silver platter, the non attainable.

Fashion is not being scared about being typecasted. Oh, she is fat, she dosen't wear brands, she dosen't keep up with the latest trends. Very less of us are doing that and believe me the high fashion is expensive.

Dearones, Being fashionable is developing your won style. Creating your own aura, that leaves no choice for people from noticing you in a crowd. And you can do that without feeling guilty. Your are a beauty with character, enjoy this time with yourself and feel loved by yourself. You need to love yourself first to make others fall in love with you.

That's the reason, the simple looks and fashion of Rani Gayatridevi of India, made waves worldwide for her unique style. And artist like Frida kahlo was not only known for her paintings but her unique style.

Thus, girls, don't be conscious and confused towards fitting into the fashion norms of today. Every woman knows what outfit she carries well ? what colour complements her?... and most specifically what garment makes her happy? So, wear what you feel comfortable in?... and it means wearing an outfit that doesn't make you worry about any kind of slip ups, malfunctioning and most importantly it make you feel beautiful without worrying about which part of my body is unflattering? And should i focus my attention on that rather than enjoying wearing that outfit, carrying it like a pro.

So go find your own style, show it off to the world and love the new you, which only you can create.

Love & light.


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